Website Transfer requests that we sent out every week rarely get prompt responses but there reply to this one was unexpected.
[Website Designers] I am James from Delicious Webdesign and also am a friend of your client. We have been tasked with various website projects for him and have George’s permission to request the transfer of his website that we believe you current have control of.
I believe he requested this in March but you only provided the FTP codes (that no longer work) so now we need to go forward with this project and your timely help would be appreciated.
In order for that to happen I need a few things from you:
1. FTP Access to the current website (ftp codes) and any database export (where appropriate).
2. Any Stock images originally purchased for the creation of the current site.
3. The IPS tag updated to ENOM (to facilitate transfer).
Your timely response to this email would be welcomed. Any problems or queries please give me an email or phone call.
[Hosting Company] This is the 3rd client that has transferred away from ourselves to yourselves, what are you doing right that we are doing wrong? I would consider working for you if you have too much work on currently. I am not being funny but we are struggling here and what would you say if we offered you some money to tell the client that you cant do their redesign now so we can do it?
[Website Designers] Hi and thanks for your interest in us but our ‘secret’ ingredient is just that ‘secret’ and we know we are doing things right and currently dont need any help so please can we get the transfer started and thanks.