Often get asked about website / business promotion by friends on Facebook, recently one friend attempted to tag all her friends in a marketting photo which lead to my amused annoyance at her, here is the exchange after I told her what she was doing wasnt good long term.
[Facebook Friend] I was wondering if you could help me with my facebook page I need to get more customer interest
[Website Designer] Hi ok here are my initial thoughts:
1, Website looks amateur and its not ‘optimised’ to attract website visitors from the search engines.
2, Facebook page uses scanned images and makes it look very poor quality.
3, In Facebook attempting to gain likes by tagging people in an photo will turn people against you. As well as being against Facebook guidelines.
4 You need to have social icons on the site and use facebook / twitter / google plus / youtube / instagram.
5 Add yourself to ‘relevant’ business pages – like my page on Facebook for Thurrock Businesses
6 The actual website for ‘Basildon’ has the heading Southend, which is confusing.
7 Here is a list I give to clients http://www.delicious-webdesign.com/seo-promote-website.html