We have a steady stream of clients from competing website designers that simply dont have the skill, experience or knowledge to cater to businesses that need to win customers online, here is a sample email that I found myself writing to a business owner after he asked me to look at his website which was originally created by a local website design company, that in reality turned out to be a guy that works part-time for himself after working full time as a driver!
It is part of my day to day routine to have a look around the local area in the business sectors where we have experience for potential new clients. I generally look for companies who already have websites but who may have had them built a few years ago, which may not be optimised for today’s Internet user or have a design that feels a little dated, therefore not providing the best possible experience for their clients and customer base. This ultimately can lead to the loss of potential sales for you. Your website is often the first contact that a potential new customer has with your company and as I am sure you are fully aware, first impressions make all the difference.
I have had a look at your website and I firmly believe that it would be beneficial for you to have a professional update and redesign of your website in order to maximise its efficiency and performance.
We specialise in designing and building responsive websites which are optimised for any device that will view your website, such as the traditional PC, tablets and mobile phone. This functionality is key for today’s web user as they demand a top end experience on all web accessible devices and are likely to move on quickly if their initial experience is poor.
We also offer comprehensive Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Social Media Marketing (SMM) packages which aim to improve your rankings in the search engines and to build up a wide on-line presence and to reach a larger audience.
We offer a wide variety of services, covering all aspects of Web design, Development and Management and would be keen to discuss things further if this is of interest to you either now or maybe at some point in the future. I am conscious of the fact that this is something that you may not have considered recently, however a conversation with myself or one of our technical team will leave you with the information required to make an informed decision as to whether this is something that could be massively beneficial to your business. I hope to hear from you soon and you are welcome to ask any questions that you may have.