Internal update newsletter as of October 2014
Rob – Web Developer
Rob has started working with us now and his current project is indicated below, he has done some graphic design work and website design work for us in the past but now will be full time with Delicious Webdesign, please give him help and advice if he needs it if he does any support work on sites you have created.
Claire – SEO Assistant / PA / Admin
We now also have a part time admin / SEO assistant (Claire) who will be working 2 days a week, she has already worked 7 weeks and has helped with SEO / Webcopy / Admin tasks for website projects so far.
To give you some idea of the projects we have ready to allocate and are in progress there is a list below
Projects in progress or pending (support work not included)
Pending Allocation / Pending Client content
1 AJ Entertainer transferred and awaiting some content from client to commence
2 AMD Homes awaiting client approval to proceed with full redesign
3 Disco Master awaiting client feedback to commence
5 Neuro Physiotherapist Full redesign pending
6 Free Range Meat – Redesign pending allocation
7 Annabelle Adams (escort site) – Redesign awaiting client content
In Progress
1 Diamond Glaze Full redesign on wordpress with price calculator function added – allocated to Rob – in progress now
2 Essex Property Maintenance – New site – allocated to steve