Love emails like this that show our websites are good enough to be entered in Industry awards:
We’re entering some really prestigious industry awards and our website will also be assessed, we’ve won these regionally before and also at a national level which is awesome. Those categories are based on votes and voter feedback so it’s with pride that we’re able to say that we’ve done well previously…. Even with a less than awesome website.
Needed to let you now that this year we’re entering again. That means that whatever website we in place will be judged and assessed!
In addition we would like to enter our new website for the website category this entry has to be done soon which means the website needs to be completed soon if it is to be considered?
I know you Guys are very pro marketing, thought you might like this idea and the site is on its way to looking HOT – I think we stand a chance!
So just wanted to let you know our intentions and also to see if you felt there was a way to get the website totally completed and wrapped up by next week?
The second website will be very similar format? Same framework / template with tweeks perhaps? So I am hoping that will be achievable.
What are your thoughts? I know we said both sites in 6 weeks initially, completely appreciate some of that is me and that you need full input and attention from me in order to crack the goal of getting our amazing website live in time.