Wondering why your all-singing-all-dancing website isn’t attracting many visitors? Or why your vast amount of traffic isn’t converting into custom? Our consultancy service will examine your site for you, and determine what aspects of both the site itself and it’s promotion/use on the web need to be improved and how, to help your site work for you.
We can also advise on next steps for your site if you are wishing to expand your business, or know what you want to do but don’t know how to do it. With experience in online marketing and promotion, as well as a technical background, we can tell you not only what you can do, but also how to do it. We can then even do it for you if you wish!
Online Marketing
SEO refers to Search Engine Optimisation – the art of getting websites to notice your site and rank it highly. Whilst there are no guarantees with search engines naturally, using a range of SEO techniques we can increase your site’s presence on the web, and even advise you how to best spend a marketing budget if you wish to ensure results.
Once you have a website – the work doesn’t stop there. To have a truly successful site you need to nurture it! We can advise you how to help your website grow and develop – both on page and off; teaching you how to use other websites and contacts to help your marketing and branding.
We also provide on-going SEO services if you would like us to manage this element of your website. Take a look at an example SEO Project overview after we received a request for help from a website owner that we sent out recently.