Email is such a big part of business life now, we go out of our way to explain the way it works and how you can collect your email (via PC, Laptops and Mobile Devices like phones and tables) If there is ever a problem with your emails we make it a priority to get to the bottom of it immediately as the following exchange demonstrates:
[Website Owner] There seems to be a problem with the emails as they keep bouncing back, would this be due to the space allocated for them?
[Website Hosting Company] The account now has 6 email accounts and 2 reached their limits, (there would have been warnings of this sent to you] We have increased the limits tonight but recommend you regularly sign in to your own email account via webmail and order the sent / received emails by size and delete all the bigger / unwanted ones.
Your limits can be seen in the webmail email also (shows the % of how full your account is). Today I confirm that all accounts are within limits (The company secretary’s one is the biggest she has used 254MB out of 350MB.
If you are sure there is something wrong and you have a correct email address that you are sending to please login to webmail and try again if that doesn’t work then contact me and I can look into it urgently / if it sends via webmail but not ‘pop’ email then there is something wrong with your email setup and I can help you resolve that via our remote PC connection software where I remotely check your settings
[Website Owner] Is there any reason that we need to empty the emails now, as the provider we used before had enough space allocated that this was never required. Bonnies email address is only used on her desktop, would it be worth changing this one to IMAP ?
[Website Hosting Company] You don’t need to empty / clear up the emails now but its good practise to keep your email boxes cleaned up regularly. I am always amazed how large some attachments (photos especially) that we received are, we had one photo that was 85mb recently! so its best to store those locally and delete them from your mail server.
The hosting you have is the very best that money can buy you have the fastest UK based Servers with excellent and quick maintenance agreements in place should any hardware fault be found but there is a limit on space (like every hosting system) and that limit needs to be adhered to. We can increase your limits short term very quickly or can increase your limits on all 10 accounts for £100 per year.
You have the codes for IMAP and POP but I dont see the reason to change to IMAP as long as if you want to access your email from multiple computers / devices (which is normal) you ensure your settings are set to ‘dont delete emails from server’ this was on the email setup document sent to you.