Are you making the money you desire already in Escorting? if the answer is no then we can soon change that. Many Escorts have tried many marketing companies to help them increase their Internet visibility. In an ideal world we should start to charge you once we rank you and the money starts to flow, well I am happy to meet in the middle.
it is just as much in our interest to rank you as quickly as possible so we can start charging full price and to make a profit.
Why do 99% of escorts on line have no idea on how to make success in this industry. For once you must follow the girls, if you are serious to make a good part/full time living from Escorting then you must see it as any other business. You must get a web site and rank it, increase visibility of your brand as you would if you were a plumber, you would want to rank page 1 for plumbing services in your area, well escorting is no different