Look we even give SEO advice before we begin your project!
Example conversation with a SEO client
I hope you are well. We spoke previously about your website and what you had in place to get more business to it. I think you also had a chat with one of our SEO clients to get an independent review of our work, I hope that was positive, im sure it was actually as we done some great work for them.
I called on your mobile today and wanted to touch base with you and ask if you might now be interested in us having the conversation again and perhaps allowing us to work with you and show you what we can do over the space of three months, now might be a better time as you will soon be coming into your high season and the last time we talked was just after a very bad month so I can understand you not wanting to discuss this at that time.
I have just been looking over your website and see that you have lots of Good content and an active news section which will help you. You should also make sure that your news ‘page’ and ‘tag’ pages are blocked from Google’s index as they are just creating duplicate pages – right now they are being indexed and will be causing a small issue.